Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sixth Central Pay Commission:Suggestions

  1. Specific proposals

    • In what manner can Central Government organizations functioning be improved to make them more professional, citizen-friendly and delivery oriented?

      LETTER HEAD OF THE ASSOCIATION DATE: 27/12/2006 To The Secretary, 6th Central Pay Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Subject: Revision of Pay Scale of DANLICS Officers (entry grade) and Grade-1 officers appointed on adhoc basis on ex-cadre post of DANICS of Govt of NCT of Delhi. Sir, The Association on behalf of Delhi Andaman Nicobar Isands, Lakshadweep Daman & Diu & Dadara & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (in short DANICS) Officers who have been promoted either on ad-hoc basis to the ex-cadre post of DANICS or regular basis to the post of DANICS from the post of Grade-I (DASS) of Govt. of NCT of Delhi, submits the following for consideration of the 6th Pay Commission:- 1. That DANICS Officers (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) are appointed i) 50% on DR basis from the combined Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC and ii) 50% on DP basis from Grade-I Officers of Delhi Govt. and subordinate cadre of Andman and Nicobar Isands, Lakshadwoop Deman & Diu & Dadara & Nagar Haveli Administration. 2. That the 5th Pay Commission keeping in the view the job requirement recommended a higher pay scale of Rs.8000-13500/- for DANICS Officers. Unfortunately, the Govt. of India did not accept this recommendation and the DANICS Officer were placed in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500/-. The pay scale of DANICS Officers prior to recommendation of 5th Pay Commission was Rs.2000-3500/- w.e.f. 01.01.1986. 3. That the DANICS Officers are promoted from amongst Grade-I Officers (DASS) of Delhi Govt. who are also the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500/- (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) w.e.f. 01.01.1996. As per DANICS Rule, a Grade-I Officer, on completion of 3 years of regular service is eligible for promotion. 4. That as per DANICS rules Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI is the Cadre Controlling Authority and regular appointment/promotion to the Entry Grade is made by the MHA. The Authorized Cadre Strength of DANICS at Entry Grade level is 249. Consequent upon expansion of work of certain Departments some posts were created from time to time by the Govt. of Delhi i.e. post of STO, SDM etc. prior to 1996. Some of these posts have been created after Delhi was divided into 9 districts in early nineties. Previously Delhi had only one district. These posts have not been included in the DANICS schedule as a result of which MHA has not been making regular appointment against these posts. The MHA had last amended the DANICS rule in 2003 yet these posts have not been included in the said schedule. 5. That these posts were created on functional requirement and in the public interest these posts are required to be filled and as such Govt. of Delhi promotes the Grade-I Officers on ad-hoc basis to these ex-cadre posts of DANICS. This position is explained by an example of post of STO. As per schedule annexed to DANICS rule only 81 post of STOs are there in the cadre. With the expansion of Deptt in early nineties 75 new posts were created. The MHA has failed to encadre these posts. The Govt of Delhi terms these posts of STOs as ex-cadre posts of DANICS. The Officers promoted on ad-hoc basis are later on promoted on regular basis to the post of DANICS by the MHA after a period of 7 to 10 years. These Officers do not get benefit for purpose of seniority etc of the service rendered on ad-hoc basis, on the post of DANICS. Although there is a provision for holding DPC on yearly basis yet the MHA is not holding DPC regularly on the pretext that Govt of Delhi and Andaman Nicobar Administration are not sending the service particulars of feeder cadre officers. 6. That most of the Grade-I Officers are promoted from Grade-II(DASS) who are appointed as Grade-II in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000/- on direct recruitment basis through All India Open Competition. The Grade-II (DASS) consist of Assistants, Inspectors of Sales Tax/Excise/Food & Supplies etc. The actual period of service in different grades of an Officer initially appointed as Grade-II(DASS) can be summarized as under:- S. No. Post Approx. Period taken for the next promotion Pay Scale held(in Rs.) 1. Grade-II(DASS) 10 years 5000-8000 2. Remains Grade-I Officer 15 years 6500-10500 3. Remains Adhoc DANICS 10 years 6500-10500 4. Remains Regular DANICS 4 years 6500-10500 5. ACP benefit granted to Grade-I officers 12 years/24 years 6500-10500 Total years of service in the same scale till retirement 29 years 6500-10500 7. That on the recommendations of 5th Pay Commission the Govt. India introduced the ACP Scheme of two financial up-gradation in 24 years. In the said scheme there was a provision of Cadre Review if promotional scale and feeder scale are in the same grade. The Grade-I Officers are in the scale of Rs.6500-10500/- (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) and are promoted to the post of DANICS which is also in the scale Rs.6500-10500/-. Neither, the Govt. of India who is the Cadre Controlling Authority of DANICS nor the Govt. of Delhi who is the Cadre Controlling Authority of Grade-I(DASS) ever carried out the mandatory exercise of cadre review during the last ten years. As a result this cadre has been subject to casual discrimination like no timely promotion, ACP Scheme and even frequent representations made for removal of anomaly in pay scale has not been considered by GOI. 8. That initially, when the DANICS Rules were promulgated there were only two scales, viz. entry grade and selection grade. However, with the passage of time, the GOI keeping in view of the stagnation has introduced three more pay scales. However, no such exercise was ever undertaken for Grade-I Officers, who are having negligible promotional avenues. The DANICS Officer have been granted five pay scales which are as under :- i) Entry Grade : Rs. 6500-10500/- ii) Non-functional Grade Rs.8000-13500(After4 years) iii) Selection Grade: Rs. 10000-15200/- iv) Junior Admn. Grade Rs.12000-16500/- v) Sr. Admn. Grade Rs.14300-18300 A proposal to grant VI pay scale of Rs.16000- to the DANICS Officers is also under active consideration of GOI. 9. That a DANICS Officer after 8 years of service is entitled for induction in IAS whose entry grades 8000-13500/-. Due to stagnation normally DANICS Officers of Sr. Administrative Grade having the pay scale of Rs.14300-18300/- are promoted to IAS whose entry grade is 8000-13500/-. Such promote IAS Officer gets the benefits of some period of service rendered beyond 8 years as DANICS and thus gets retrospective seniority. On his promotion as IAS he also gets the benefit of this service for purpose of pay fixation. 10. That, since we are promoted from Grade-I Officers, it will be desirable to mention nature of duties of Grade-I Officers, which we have already performed. The Grade-I officers of Delhi Administrative Subordinate Service are working in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 and are holding the status of Group B Gazetted officers. They perform the duties of executive and administrative nature and are posted as Tehsildar, Sub-Registrar, Consolidation officer, Assistant Sales Tax Officer, Zonal officers of Weights & Measurement Department, Superintendent etc. in various departments of Govt. of Delhi. Details of their duties and responsibilities in these positions are indicated below: - Designation Duties performed 1. Tehsildar Acts as a nodal officer at Tehsil/Sub-Division level, exercise quasi judicial functions under various statutory Acts governing revenue and land matters. Has also been acknowledged as Civil Court under Civil Procedure Code. Is empowered to take independent decision under different provisions of the Revenue Act. Supervise the Tehsil/Sub-Divisional level administration. 2. Consolidation Officer Cases of Consolidation of Holdings under the East Punjab Holdings Act as applicable to Delhi. As per the Act, he is the most important functionary performing quasi judicial functions and empowered to take independent decisions. 3. Sub-Registrar Is the statutory Registry Authority of all documents pertaining to land matters-regarding their execution and attestation. Also acts as a quasi-judicial authority and take independent decision. Supervise the functioning/administration of a Sub-Registrar Office at district level. 4. Assistant Sales Tax Officer/Asstt. Value Added Tax Officer Is a statutory authority under Sales Tax Act for assessment and recovery of Sales Tax. Performs quasi-judicial functions. Is one of the most important functionary to realize the largest source of Govt. Revenue in Delhi. 5. Food & Supply Officer Is an independent authority under Civil Supplies and Distribution Act and is the most important functionary at circle level in monitoring supply of food cereals and fuel in his circle, supervision of Ration shops/Kerosene Depot, issue of Ration Card and enforcing distribution of Ration to lower strata of society. Beside, he is also notified as Asstt. Returning Officer and Asstt. Electoral Registration Officer under Representation of People Act for the Assembly Segment. As ARO/AERO he has to supervise and monitor the Electoral revision, issue of Election I-Cards and managing the Elections. He, being one of the most important functionary, is responsible to ensure smooth transition of Democratically elected Government. 11. It is pertinent to mention here that the officers performing similar duties of Grade I & DANICS in the neighboring states i.e. Punjab, Haryana etc. are allowed a higher pay scale, as well as promotional avenues, while the officers of the National Capital are the worst sufferers. The pay scale of similarly placed officers i.e. PCS Officers of neighboring states is Rs.8000-13500 whereas; the pay scale of DANICS Officers is 6500-10500. Being National Capital the DANICS officers job requires higher sense of responsibilities & constructive devotion in comparison to their counterpart in neighboring states. 12. That DANICS officers including officers posted on adhoc basis on ex-cadre posts of DANICS perform multifarious duties. They are posted as Value Added Tax Officer (previously STO), SDM,Distt.ExciseOfficer(DEO), Asstt.Directors,Dy.Commissioner (Industries/ Transport), Admn.Officers, Dy Secretary, Asstt. Commissioner Food & Supply, Asstt Controller Weights & Measures etc. The nature of duties associated with various posts on which DANICS officers are posted are primarily Executive in nature and MHA is wrongly equating these Officers with Section Officers of GOI, whose duties are Ministerial in nature. Moreover, DANICS Officers perform quasi-judicial and Revenue oriented duties, which involve higher sense of responsibility, application of mind and constructive devotion besides sensitivity and responsiveness. Therefore, their duties are on the higher side than the duties of Section Officers of GOI. Besides, SDMs etc. perform the statutory functions like Inquest Proceedings and have to be available round the clock at the disposal of the Govt., which is not so in case of Section Officer. DANICS officers unlike the other equivalent pay scale officers whose duties are Ministerial in nature have to deal with the public from 10.00 to 5.00 P.M. and in order to dispose of the file work they have to be in the office upto 7.00 P.M. The execution of policy is more important than framing it. No doubt Section Officers are involved in framing the policies but the actual implementation is with the field officers/executive officers. Therefore, the executive officers should be placed in the higher pay scales. DANICS officers job also involves framing of a policy for NCT of Delhi in accordance with the Govt of NCT Act 1991. 13. That junior accounts functionaries i.e. Jr. Accounts Officers and Assistant Accounts Officers of Delhi Administrative Accounts Services, who are holding status of Non-Gazetted officials and Group B Gazetted officers respectively, have also been given the pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.1996 in parity with CAG Cadre on the implementation of recommendation of the 5th Central Pay Commission. The above Junior Accounts Functionaries i.e. J.A.O.s and A.A.O.s have been granted another upgraded pay scale as mentioned below w.e.f. 01.01.1996 by Government of Delhi after implementation of 5th pay commission vide O.M. No. F.2/2/2003-AC/5685 dated 10.03.2003. Status Pay Scale (i) At the time of constitution of Delhi Admn. Accounts Service in 1982 Group C Non Gazetted 500-20-700-EB25-900 (ii) After 4th Pay Commission Group C Non Gazetted 1640-60-2000-75-2900 (iii) After 5th Pay Commission Group C Non Gazetted 5500-175-9000 (iv) Revised by the Govt. of Delhi w.e.f. 01.01.1996 on 10.03.2003 Group C Non Gazetted 6500-200-10500 14. That it would be unfair to de-link the mutual hierarchical setup of the Accounts functionaries and the Administrative side i.e. Grade-I(DASS) officer and DANICS. It will be against the principles of equality if one cadre were to be allowed parity with their counter parts in Govt. of India while the other half (Grade-I & DANICS) languishes unnoticed and subjected to discrimination for years. 15. That it is relevant to point out that Grade-II(DASS) are equivalent in rank/status/educational qualification to the Assistants of Govt. of India and Inspectors of Income Tax/Central Excise etc. and even were recruited through the same exam conducted by SSC till a few years ago. Despite this, the pay scale of Grade-II(DASS) is Rs.5000-8000 where as his counter parts in Govt. of India are getting Rs.6500-10500. Therefore, if the status/pay scale of the Grade-I officers is not upgraded simultaneously, the Grade-I officers will have to perform their duties under their own Subordinates and it will be very discouraging and humiliating position for the Grade-I officers & DANICS. 16. That similarly the Grade-I officers of DASS cadre are also at a disadvantage viz. a viz. the Section Officers of Govt. of India. The pay scale and nature of duties of Superintendents (Grade-I, DASS) & Section Officer are similar. But, the GOI in the year 2001 introduced one more pay scale of Rs.8000-13500, non functional for those Section Officers who have completed 4 years of service. Similar, benefit has not been allowed to Supdts.(Gr.I, DASS) of Delhi Govt., despite a D.O. letter dated 18/03/05 (copy enclosed) from Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi to the Hon’ble Home Minister, GOI. The Hon’ble C.M. in the said letter had recommended a non functional pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 to Grade-I Officers, who have completed 5 years of regular service and the Govt. of Delhi had committed to bear additional expenditure of this account. The said proposal is still pending with Ministery of Finance, GOI, New Delhi. In fact the Ministry of Finance always prefers to scuttle the proposal on one pretext or the other despite the fact that the M/o Finance is hardly in a position to ascertain the functional requirement of this cadre being not the administrative ministry. As such, despite the lapse of considerable time, this proposal has not been materialized. 17. That, Grade-I Officers on completion of 03 years of service are eligible for promotion to the post of DANICS. As could be seen from the promotion order No.14016/6/2003/ UTS-II dated 07.10.2004, Grade-I Officers after completion of about 21 years of service are actually promoted to DANICS. The following will reveal the position. S. No. Name of the Officer Date of Apptt. as Gr-II Date of Apptt. as Gr-I Date of Apptt. as DANICS Yrs. of service as Gr-I before promo-tion Date of Retire-ment 01. Sh. S.K. Kaushik 17.7.69 16.4.83 7.10.04 21 30.6.10 02. Sh. T.S. Mutti 2.12.69 16.4.83 7.10.04 21 31.7.07 03. Sh. O.P. Diwan 29.11.65 16.4.83 7.10.04 21 31.12.07 04. Sh. Daljit Singh 20.12.69 9.5.83 7.10.04 21 31.10.07 05. Sh. G.C. Mehta 10.10.67 6.7.83 7.10.04 21 31.12.04 06. Sh. R.K. Chawla 1.5.70 26.7.83 7.10.04 21 31.8.06 07. Sh. V.K. Jain 28.6.70 10.10.83 7.10.04 21 28.2.05 08. Sh. S.M. Haider 1.7.70 10.10.83 7.10.04 21 31.7.08 18. That, prior to 1986, there were about 400 posts of Grade-I Officers and their quota for promotion to the post of DANICS was 50%. After creation of some posts of Superintendents , the cadre strength of Grade-I has increased to about 1300. As per instructions of GOI, the promotion quota has to be in commensurate with the feeder cadre. 19. That as per convention all the pay commissions in the past have devoted much of its time in framing recommendations for the betterment of service conditions of all other higher grades except of DANICS(EG) & Grade-I, thereby almost all other cadres including Grade-I officers and promote DANICS officers have been subjected to inadequate representations in the pay commission’s recommendations therefore, there is hardly any improvement in the service conditions of these categories of employees. The condition of these employees of Delhi Govt. has been moving from bad to worse because of dispute as to who is the competent authority with regard to these employees as far as service conditions are concerned. The promotee DANICS officers of Delhi Govt. are subjected to ill and discriminatory treatment because of lack of coordination between Delhi Govt. and the Central Govt. about the concept on governance of service matters of these employees. Thus it has been a fact established beyond doubt that the pay commission primarily has been concerned with the service conditions of a very small cadre of officers at the cost of other cadre employees whose strength is comparatively on the higher side. It is also on record that no in depth study has been conducted by any of the pay commission about the promote DANICS officers of Govt. of Delhi as a result it is seen that these employees have been deprived of various revisions/up-gradations in their Pay Scales, more so when they are the cutting edge of the Administration. Since, GOI constitutes Pay Commission for all its employees, therefore, the 6th pay commission should undertake an in depth study of the service conditions of the DANICS Officers, who are promoted from Grade-I Officers. 20. That it is on record that regular exercise of review of cadre and RRs has not been undertaken by the Govt. from time to time as per requirement of rules and time and thus, there has been stagnation and lack of promotional avenue for Grade-I Cadre Officers. 21. That no regular exercise to organize DPC on a regular interval for induction of Grade-I Officer in DANICS Cadre has been undertaken by the Govt. as a result thereof the benefits associated with the regular DANICS Cadre have also been deprived to this fraternity, which has resulted in stagnation/lack of promotional avenue for this cadre. 22. That Govt of Delhi vide O.M. dated 31/05/2006 (Copy enclosed), in order to compensate the officers above the rank of JAG of DANICS and all IAS officers posted in Delhi allowed them benefits of reimbursement of Rs.1250/- PM for home orderly and 50% of full electricity & water bill subject to a capping of 10,000 Units and 420 Kilo Liters, of Electricity and water respectively per Annum. Similar facility needs to be extended to entry grade DANICS officers as well in respective of their being adhoc or otherwise. DEMANDs : In view of the present position of the cadre it is prayed that the following demands should also be considered by the Pay Commission in order to resolve the various grievances of this cadre. 1. That all Grade-I officers of Govt. of Delhi may first be placed in the following existing pay scales and thereafter modified pay scale may be recommended to them:- (i) After 4 years of service-- Rs.8000-13500/-(Non Functional). (ii) After 10 years of service—Rs.10000---15200/-(Non Functional). (iii) After 15 years of service—Rs.12000----16500/-(Non Functional). The non-functional pay scales may be allowed to the Grade-I officers of DASS cadre by the Competent Authority without disturbing the existing hierarchy of DASS cadre and DANICS, by introducing financial up-gradation on the basis of qualifying service put in by an officer as Grade-I(DASS). Such up-gradations are allowed to DANICS officers in the form of Selection Grade, JAG etc. 2. That besides while considering Grade- I officers for promotions/induction in DANICS the pay fixation benefits as is being given to DANICS while there inductions in I.A.S. may be considered on the same analogy and length of seniority benefits on the similar patterns may kindly be recommended. An officer upon his induction into DANICS, may be allowed protection of pay scale which is drawn by him as Grade-I(DASS). Simultaneously for the purpose of fixing his seniority in DANICS, half the number of years of service put in by the officer as Grade-I(DASS), after completing the requisite qualifying service of 3 years as Grade-(DASS), may be allowed as qualifying service of DANICS for the purpose of assigning scale and seniority as a DANICS officer. A similar system is already in place for allowing the benefits of higher scale to DANICS officer on their promotion to IAS even though the entry grade of the promotion post i.e. IAS is Rs.8000-13000. 3. That the pay commission should recommend that all posts which are being held by officers on adhoc basis, be encadred in DANICS schedule, so that, feeder cadre employees are promoted on regular basis and not on adhoc basis. This will boost their morale and they will be able to deliver the goods more efficiently. 4. That the entry grade of Gr-I Officer promoted on adhoc basis to ex-cadre post of DANICS should first be replaced in the scale of Rs.8000-13500 and thereafter, modified scale may be recommended to them. 5. That in order to boost the moral of the officers and to bring them at par with the officers of private/public sector, the promoted DANICS including those working on adhoc basis, who have completed 25 years of service should be placed in such a grade that they draw at least total emoluments of Rs.35000/- as on 1/1/2007. 6. That in view of the public dealing departments being manned by the DANICS Officers, they have to put in extra time daily in office for which there is no compensation to them so besides the above emoluments they may be reimbursed 600 telephone calls and 500 Units Electricity 80 liter petrol and Rs.1200 for attendant per month, as has been granted to officers above JAG Pay-Scale of DANICS & IAS. 7. That in order to provide promotional avenues to feeder cadre officers the promotion quota of DANICS needs to be increased from 50% to 75%. 8. That for treatment of all diseases employees should be allowed to have treatment in reputed hospitals like Appolo, Max, Escorts, Forties, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Dharmsheela cancer Hospital, Rock land Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram, Sita Ram Bhartiya, Pushpawati Singhania etc. without referral from govt. dispensary/hospital and they should be allowed 100 % re-imbursement of medical bills. 9. That govt. should increase the number of holiday homes in famous tourist places and hill stations, so that the employees are encouraged to avail of LTC. 10. The facility of LTC anywhere in India should be after every two years instead of four years. 11. That since air travel is now comparatively cheap so all DANICS Officers in respective of their status adhoc or otherwise be allowed the LTC by air. 12. The Association also requests that the office bearers may be given personal hearing to present our case in right prospective and explain our problems in detail. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, Encl. As above. (A. K. TRIVEDI) GENERAL SECRETARY Address for Communication: 604-Z Double Storey, Timarpur, Delhi-54

    • Please outline specific proposals, which could result in: (i) Reduction and redeployment of staff, (ii) Reduction of paper work, (iii) Better work environment, (iv) Economy in expenditure, (v) Professionalisation of services, (vi) Reduction in litigation on service matters, (vii) Better delivery of service by government agencies to their users.

      LETTER HEAD OF THE ASSOCIATION DATE: 27/12/2006 To The Secretary, 6th Central Pay Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Subject: Revision of Pay Scale of DANLICS Officers (entry grade) and Grade-1 officers appointed on adhoc basis on ex-cadre post of DANICS of Govt of NCT of Delhi. Sir, The Association on behalf of Delhi Andaman Nicobar Isands, Lakshadweep Daman & Diu & Dadara & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (in short DANICS) Officers who have been promoted either on ad-hoc basis to the ex-cadre post of DANICS or regular basis to the post of DANICS from the post of Grade-I (DASS) of Govt. of NCT of Delhi, submits the following for consideration of the 6th Pay Commission:- 1. That DANICS Officers (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) are appointed i) 50% on DR basis from the combined Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC and ii) 50% on DP basis from Grade-I Officers of Delhi Govt. and subordinate cadre of Andman and Nicobar Isands, Lakshadwoop Deman & Diu & Dadara & Nagar Haveli Administration. 2. That the 5th Pay Commission keeping in the view the job requirement recommended a higher pay scale of Rs.8000-13500/- for DANICS Officers. Unfortunately, the Govt. of India did not accept this recommendation and the DANICS Officer were placed in the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500/-. The pay scale of DANICS Officers prior to recommendation of 5th Pay Commission was Rs.2000-3500/- w.e.f. 01.01.1986. 3. That the DANICS Officers are promoted from amongst Grade-I Officers (DASS) of Delhi Govt. who are also the pay scale of Rs.6500-10500/- (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) w.e.f. 01.01.1996. As per DANICS Rule, a Grade-I Officer, on completion of 3 years of regular service is eligible for promotion. 4. That as per DANICS rules Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI is the Cadre Controlling Authority and regular appointment/promotion to the Entry Grade is made by the MHA. The Authorized Cadre Strength of DANICS at Entry Grade level is 249. Consequent upon expansion of work of certain Departments some posts were created from time to time by the Govt. of Delhi i.e. post of STO, SDM etc. prior to 1996. Some of these posts have been created after Delhi was divided into 9 districts in early nineties. Previously Delhi had only one district. These posts have not been included in the DANICS schedule as a result of which MHA has not been making regular appointment against these posts. The MHA had last amended the DANICS rule in 2003 yet these posts have not been included in the said schedule. 5. That these posts were created on functional requirement and in the public interest these posts are required to be filled and as such Govt. of Delhi promotes the Grade-I Officers on ad-hoc basis to these ex-cadre posts of DANICS. This position is explained by an example of post of STO. As per schedule annexed to DANICS rule only 81 post of STOs are there in the cadre. With the expansion of Deptt in early nineties 75 new posts were created. The MHA has failed to encadre these posts. The Govt of Delhi terms these posts of STOs as ex-cadre posts of DANICS. The Officers promoted on ad-hoc basis are later on promoted on regular basis to the post of DANICS by the MHA after a period of 7 to 10 years. These Officers do not get benefit for purpose of seniority etc of the service rendered on ad-hoc basis, on the post of DANICS. Although there is a provision for holding DPC on yearly basis yet the MHA is not holding DPC regularly on the pretext that Govt of Delhi and Andaman Nicobar Administration are not sending the service particulars of feeder cadre officers. 6. That most of the Grade-I Officers are promoted from Grade-II(DASS) who are appointed as Grade-II in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000/- on direct recruitment basis through All India Open Competition. The Grade-II (DASS) consist of Assistants, Inspectors of Sales Tax/Excise/Food & Supplies etc. The actual period of service in different grades of an Officer initially appointed as Grade-II(DASS) can be summarized as under:- S. No. Post Approx. Period taken for the next promotion Pay Scale held(in Rs.) 1. Grade-II(DASS) 10 years 5000-8000 2. Remains Grade-I Officer 15 years 6500-10500 3. Remains Adhoc DANICS 10 years 6500-10500 4. Remains Regular DANICS 4 years 6500-10500 5. ACP benefit granted to Grade-I officers 12 years/24 years 6500-10500 Total years of service in the same scale till retirement 29 years 6500-10500 7. That on the recommendations of 5th Pay Commission the Govt. India introduced the ACP Scheme of two financial up-gradation in 24 years. In the said scheme there was a provision of Cadre Review if promotional scale and feeder scale are in the same grade. The Grade-I Officers are in the scale of Rs.6500-10500/- (Group ‘B’ Gazetted) and are promoted to the post of DANICS which is also in the scale Rs.6500-10500/-. Neither, the Govt. of India who is the Cadre Controlling Authority of DANICS nor the Govt. of Delhi who is the Cadre Controlling Authority of Grade-I(DASS) ever carried out the mandatory exercise of cadre review during the last ten years. As a result this cadre has been subject to casual discrimination like no timely promotion, ACP Scheme and even frequent representations made for removal of anomaly in pay scale has not been considered by GOI. 8. That initially, when the DANICS Rules were promulgated there were only two scales, viz. entry grade and selection grade. However, with the passage of time, the GOI keeping in view of the stagnation has introduced three more pay scales. However, no such exercise was ever undertaken for Grade-I Officers, who are having negligible promotional avenues. The DANICS Officer have been granted five pay scales which are as under :- i) Entry Grade : Rs. 6500-10500/- ii) Non-functional Grade Rs.8000-13500(After4 years) iii) Selection Grade: Rs. 10000-15200/- iv) Junior Admn. Grade Rs.12000-16500/- v) Sr. Admn. Grade Rs.14300-18300 A proposal to grant VI pay scale of Rs.16000- to the DANICS Officers is also under active consideration of GOI. 9. That a DANICS Officer after 8 years of service is entitled for induction in IAS whose entry grades 8000-13500/-. Due to stagnation normally DANICS Officers of Sr. Administrative Grade having the pay scale of Rs.14300-18300/- are promoted to IAS whose entry grade is 8000-13500/-. Such promote IAS Officer gets the benefits of some period of service rendered beyond 8 years as DANICS and thus gets retrospective seniority. On his promotion as IAS he also gets the benefit of this service for purpose of pay fixation. 10. That, since we are promoted from Grade-I Officers, it will be desirable to mention nature of duties of Grade-I Officers, which we have already performed. The Grade-I officers of Delhi Administrative Subordinate Service are working in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 and are holding the status of Group B Gazetted officers. They perform the duties of executive and administrative nature and are posted as Tehsildar, Sub-Registrar, Consolidation officer, Assistant Sales Tax Officer, Zonal officers of Weights & Measurement Department, Superintendent etc. in various departments of Govt. of Delhi. Details of their duties and responsibilities in these positions are indicated below: - Designation Duties performed 1. Tehsildar Acts as a nodal officer at Tehsil/Sub-Division level, exercise quasi judicial functions under various statutory Acts governing revenue and land matters. Has also been acknowledged as Civil Court under Civil Procedure Code. Is empowered to take independent decision under different provisions of the Revenue Act. Supervise the Tehsil/Sub-Divisional level administration. 2. Consolidation Officer Cases of Consolidation of Holdings under the East Punjab Holdings Act as applicable to Delhi. As per the Act, he is the most important functionary performing quasi judicial functions and empowered to take independent decisions. 3. Sub-Registrar Is the statutory Registry Authority of all documents pertaining to land matters-regarding their execution and attestation. Also acts as a quasi-judicial authority and take independent decision. Supervise the functioning/administration of a Sub-Registrar Office at district level. 4. Assistant Sales Tax Officer/Asstt. Value Added Tax Officer Is a statutory authority under Sales Tax Act for assessment and recovery of Sales Tax. Performs quasi-judicial functions. Is one of the most important functionary to realize the largest source of Govt. Revenue in Delhi. 5. Food & Supply Officer Is an independent authority under Civil Supplies and Distribution Act and is the most important functionary at circle level in monitoring supply of food cereals and fuel in his circle, supervision of Ration shops/Kerosene Depot, issue of Ration Card and enforcing distribution of Ration to lower strata of society. Beside, he is also notified as Asstt. Returning Officer and Asstt. Electoral Registration Officer under Representation of People Act for the Assembly Segment. As ARO/AERO he has to supervise and monitor the Electoral revision, issue of Election I-Cards and managing the Elections. He, being one of the most important functionary, is responsible to ensure smooth transition of Democratically elected Government. 11. It is pertinent to mention here that the officers performing similar duties of Grade I & DANICS in the neighboring states i.e. Punjab, Haryana etc. are allowed a higher pay scale, as well as promotional avenues, while the officers of the National Capital are the worst sufferers. The pay scale of similarly placed officers i.e. PCS Officers of neighboring states is Rs.8000-13500 whereas; the pay scale of DANICS Officers is 6500-10500. Being National Capital the DANICS officers job requires higher sense of responsibilities & constructive devotion in comparison to their counterpart in neighboring states. 12. That DANICS officers including officers posted on adhoc basis on ex-cadre posts of DANICS perform multifarious duties. They are posted as Value Added Tax Officer (previously STO), SDM,Distt.ExciseOfficer(DEO), Asstt.Directors,Dy.Commissioner (Industries/ Transport), Admn.Officers, Dy Secretary, Asstt. Commissioner Food & Supply, Asstt Controller Weights & Measures etc. The nature of duties associated with various posts on which DANICS officers are posted are primarily Executive in nature and MHA is wrongly equating these Officers with Section Officers of GOI, whose duties are Ministerial in nature. Moreover, DANICS Officers perform quasi-judicial and Revenue oriented duties, which involve higher sense of responsibility, application of mind and constructive devotion besides sensitivity and responsiveness. Therefore, their duties are on the higher side than the duties of Section Officers of GOI. Besides, SDMs etc. perform the statutory functions like Inquest Proceedings and have to be available round the clock at the disposal of the Govt., which is not so in case of Section Officer. DANICS officers unlike the other equivalent pay scale officers whose duties are Ministerial in nature have to deal with the public from 10.00 to 5.00 P.M. and in order to dispose of the file work they have to be in the office upto 7.00 P.M. The execution of policy is more important than framing it. No doubt Section Officers are involved in framing the policies but the actual implementation is with the field officers/executive officers. Therefore, the executive officers should be placed in the higher pay scales. DANICS officers job also involves framing of a policy for NCT of Delhi in accordance with the Govt of NCT Act 1991. 13. That junior accounts functionaries i.e. Jr. Accounts Officers and Assistant Accounts Officers of Delhi Administrative Accounts Services, who are holding status of Non-Gazetted officials and Group B Gazetted officers respectively, have also been given the pay scales of Rs. 5500-9000 and Rs. 6500-10500 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.1996 in parity with CAG Cadre on the implementation of recommendation of the 5th Central Pay Commission. The above Junior Accounts Functionaries i.e. J.A.O.s and A.A.O.s have been granted another upgraded pay scale as mentioned below w.e.f. 01.01.1996 by Government of Delhi after implementation of 5th pay commission vide O.M. No. F.2/2/2003-AC/5685 dated 10.03.2003. Status Pay Scale (i) At the time of constitution of Delhi Admn. Accounts Service in 1982 Group C Non Gazetted 500-20-700-EB25-900 (ii) After 4th Pay Commission Group C Non Gazetted 1640-60-2000-75-2900 (iii) After 5th Pay Commission Group C Non Gazetted 5500-175-9000 (iv) Revised by the Govt. of Delhi w.e.f. 01.01.1996 on 10.03.2003 Group C Non Gazetted 6500-200-10500 14. That it would be unfair to de-link the mutual hierarchical setup of the Accounts functionaries and the Administrative side i.e. Grade-I(DASS) officer and DANICS. It will be against the principles of equality if one cadre were to be allowed parity with their counter parts in Govt. of India while the other half (Grade-I & DANICS) languishes unnoticed and subjected to discrimination for years. 15. That it is relevant to point out that Grade-II(DASS) are equivalent in rank/status/educational qualification to the Assistants of Govt. of India and Inspectors of Income Tax/Central Excise etc. and even were recruited through the same exam conducted by SSC till a few years ago. Despite this, the pay scale of Grade-II(DASS) is Rs.5000-8000 where as his counter parts in Govt. of India are getting Rs.6500-10500. Therefore, if the status/pay scale of the Grade-I officers is not upgraded simultaneously, the Grade-I officers will have to perform their duties under their own Subordinates and it will be very discouraging and humiliating position for the Grade-I officers & DANICS. 16. That similarly the Grade-I officers of DASS cadre are also at a disadvantage viz. a viz. the Section Officers of Govt. of India. The pay scale and nature of duties of Superintendents (Grade-I, DASS) & Section Officer are similar. But, the GOI in the year 2001 introduced one more pay scale of Rs.8000-13500, non functional for those Section Officers who have completed 4 years of service. Similar, benefit has not been allowed to Supdts.(Gr.I, DASS) of Delhi Govt., despite a D.O. letter dated 18/03/05 (copy enclosed) from Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi to the Hon’ble Home Minister, GOI. The Hon’ble C.M. in the said letter had recommended a non functional pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 to Grade-I Officers, who have completed 5 years of regular service and the Govt. of Delhi had committed to bear additional expenditure of this account. The said proposal is still pending with Ministery of Finance, GOI, New Delhi. In fact the Ministry of Finance always prefers to scuttle the proposal on one pretext or the other despite the fact that the M/o Finance is hardly in a position to ascertain the functional requirement of this cadre being not the administrative ministry. As such, despite the lapse of considerable time, this proposal has not been materialized. 17. That, Grade-I Officers on completion of 03 years of service are eligible for promotion to the post of DANICS. As could be seen from the promotion order No.14016/6/2003/ UTS-II dated 07.10.2004, Grade-I Officers after completion of about 21 years of service are actually promoted to DANICS. The following will reveal the position. S. No. Name of the Officer Date of Apptt. as Gr-II Date of Apptt. as Gr-I Date of Apptt. as DANICS Yrs. of service as Gr-I before promo-tion Date of Retire-ment 01. Sh. S.K. Kaushik 17.7.69 16.4.83 7.10.04 21 30.6.10 02. Sh. T.S. Mutti 2.12.69 16.4.83 7.10.04 21 31.7.07 03. Sh. O.P. Diwan 29.11.65 16.4.83 7.10.04 21 31.12.07 04. Sh. Daljit Singh 20.12.69 9.5.83 7.10.04 21 31.10.07 05. Sh. G.C. Mehta 10.10.67 6.7.83 7.10.04 21 31.12.04 06. Sh. R.K. Chawla 1.5.70 26.7.83 7.10.04 21 31.8.06 07. Sh. V.K. Jain 28.6.70 10.10.83 7.10.04 21 28.2.05 08. Sh. S.M. Haider 1.7.70 10.10.83 7.10.04 21 31.7.08 18. That, prior to 1986, there were about 400 posts of Grade-I Officers and their quota for promotion to the post of DANICS was 50%. After creation of some posts of Superintendents , the cadre strength of Grade-I has increased to about 1300. As per instructions of GOI, the promotion quota has to be in commensurate with the feeder cadre. 19. That as per convention all the pay commissions in the past have devoted much of its time in framing recommendations for the betterment of service conditions of all other higher grades except of DANICS(EG) & Grade-I, thereby almost all other cadres including Grade-I officers and promote DANICS officers have been subjected to inadequate representations in the pay commission’s recommendations therefore, there is hardly any improvement in the service conditions of these categories of employees. The condition of these employees of Delhi Govt. has been moving from bad to worse because of dispute as to who is the competent authority with regard to these employees as far as service conditions are concerned. The promotee DANICS officers of Delhi Govt. are subjected to ill and discriminatory treatment because of lack of coordination between Delhi Govt. and the Central Govt. about the concept on governance of service matters of these employees. Thus it has been a fact established beyond doubt that the pay commission primarily has been concerned with the service conditions of a very small cadre of officers at the cost of other cadre employees whose strength is comparatively on the higher side. It is also on record that no in depth study has been conducted by any of the pay commission about the promote DANICS officers of Govt. of Delhi as a result it is seen that these employees have been deprived of various revisions/up-gradations in their Pay Scales, more so when they are the cutting edge of the Administration. Since, GOI constitutes Pay Commission for all its employees, therefore, the 6th pay commission should undertake an in depth study of the service conditions of the DANICS Officers, who are promoted from Grade-I Officers. 20. That it is on record that regular exercise of review of cadre and RRs has not been undertaken by the Govt. from time to time as per requirement of rules and time and thus, there has been stagnation and lack of promotional avenue for Grade-I Cadre Officers. 21. That no regular exercise to organize DPC on a regular interval for induction of Grade-I Officer in DANICS Cadre has been undertaken by the Govt. as a result thereof the benefits associated with the regular DANICS Cadre have also been deprived to this fraternity, which has resulted in stagnation/lack of promotional avenue for this cadre. 22. That Govt of Delhi vide O.M. dated 31/05/2006 (Copy enclosed), in order to compensate the officers above the rank of JAG of DANICS and all IAS officers posted in Delhi allowed them benefits of reimbursement of Rs.1250/- PM for home orderly and 50% of full electricity & water bill subject to a capping of 10,000 Units and 420 Kilo Liters, of Electricity and water respectively per Annum. Similar facility needs to be extended to entry grade DANICS officers as well in respective of their being adhoc or otherwise. DEMANDs : In view of the present position of the cadre it is prayed that the following demands should also be considered by the Pay Commission in order to resolve the various grievances of this cadre. 1. That all Grade-I officers of Govt. of Delhi may first be placed in the following existing pay scales and thereafter modified pay scale may be recommended to them:- (i) After 4 years of service-- Rs.8000-13500/-(Non Functional). (ii) After 10 years of service—Rs.10000---15200/-(Non Functional). (iii) After 15 years of service—Rs.12000----16500/-(Non Functional). The non-functional pay scales may be allowed to the Grade-I officers of DASS cadre by the Competent Authority without disturbing the existing hierarchy of DASS cadre and DANICS, by introducing financial up-gradation on the basis of qualifying service put in by an officer as Grade-I(DASS). Such up-gradations are allowed to DANICS officers in the form of Selection Grade, JAG etc. 2. That besides while considering Grade- I officers for promotions/induction in DANICS the pay fixation benefits as is being given to DANICS while there inductions in I.A.S. may be considered on the same analogy and length of seniority benefits on the similar patterns may kindly be recommended. An officer upon his induction into DANICS, may be allowed protection of pay scale which is drawn by him as Grade-I(DASS). Simultaneously for the purpose of fixing his seniority in DANICS, half the number of years of service put in by the officer as Grade-I(DASS), after completing the requisite qualifying service of 3 years as Grade-(DASS), may be allowed as qualifying service of DANICS for the purpose of assigning scale and seniority as a DANICS officer. A similar system is already in place for allowing the benefits of higher scale to DANICS officer on their promotion to IAS even though the entry grade of the promotion post i.e. IAS is Rs.8000-13000. 3. That the pay commission should recommend that all posts which are being held by officers on adhoc basis, be encadred in DANICS schedule, so that, feeder cadre employees are promoted on regular basis and not on adhoc basis. This will boost their morale and they will be able to deliver the goods more efficiently. 4. That the entry grade of Gr-I Officer promoted on adhoc basis to ex-cadre post of DANICS should first be replaced in the scale of Rs.8000-13500 and thereafter, modified scale may be recommended to them. 5. That in order to boost the moral of the officers and to bring them at par with the officers of private/public sector, the promoted DANICS including those working on adhoc basis, who have completed 25 years of service should be placed in such a grade that they draw at least total emoluments of Rs.35000/- as on 1/1/2007. 6. That in view of the public dealing departments being manned by the DANICS Officers, they have to put in extra time daily in office for which there is no compensation to them so besides the above emoluments they may be reimbursed 600 telephone calls and 500 Units Electricity 80 liter petrol and Rs.1200 for attendant per month, as has been granted to officers above JAG Pay-Scale of DANICS & IAS. 7. That in order to provide promotional avenues to feeder cadre officers the promotion quota of DANICS needs to be increased from 50% to 75%. 8. That for treatment of all diseases employees should be allowed to have treatment in reputed hospitals like Appolo, Max, Escorts, Forties, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Dharmsheela cancer Hospital, Rock land Hospital, Sir Ganga Ram, Sita Ram Bhartiya, Pushpawati Singhania etc. without referral from govt. dispensary/hospital and they should be allowed 100 % re-imbursement of medical bills. 9. That govt. should increase the number of holiday homes in famous tourist places and hill stations, so that the employees are encouraged to avail of LTC. 10. The facility of LTC anywhere in India should be after every two years instead of four years. 11. That since air travel is now comparatively cheap so all DANICS Officers in respective of their status adhoc or otherwise be allowed the LTC by air. 12. The Association also requests that the office bearers may be given personal hearing to present our case in right prospective and explain our problems in detail. Thanking you. Yours faithfully, Encl. As above. (A. K. TRIVEDI) GENERAL SECRETARY Address for Communication: 604-Z Double Storey, Timarpur, Delhi-54

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